Thursday, July 2, 2015

Outdoor Activity Safety Tips for Pediatric Cancer Patients

As we are all gearing up for this Fourth of July Weekend, we want to dedicate todays program resource to discussing a few important safety tips for outdoor activities. As pediatric cancer patients, it is extremely important to ensure you are taking additional precautions in the outdoors for long periods of time. 

Here are some good tips to utilize this holiday weekend:
  1. Bring a sun hat that will cover your face and neck
  2. Sunglasses
  3. Sunscreen is extremely important for patient's already sensitive skin
  4. Lots and lots and lots of water!
  5. If you know you are going out for awhile try and rest up before-that way you will have more energy. 
  6. If you plan on being away from your house for an extended period of time, take an anti-nausea mediation if you have been prescribed one OR try this Chemo Moonshine Recipe for kids. This will help combat nausea before it comes on so you have a worry free/nausea free night!
  7. Also if you will be away from home, pack an "in case of emergency" lunch bag of food that you know you are able to eat. This will be a good back up in case you don't find the food at the parties appetizing.

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