Wednesday, September 16, 2015

6 Steps to Take for an Emotional Health Makeover

We were so excited to share yesterday's quote with you that we mixed up our post theme days-oops! Today we will focus on emotional support during the process of change and embracing this change. Below you will find a few ways to give yourself an emotional health makeover. 

Emotions will clearly run high when dealing with pediatric cancer, whether you are the parent, sibling or even the patient themselves- it is important to take time to focus on keeping a healthy state of mind  as much as possible. 

Emotional Support: A Healthy State of Mind

  1. Look at situations from multiple perspectives--seek out perspectives you may not typically consider.
  2. Believe in yourself. Sometimes we are our worst critics. Make sure to recognize your abilities, talents and strengths and embrace these
  3. Utilize Affirmations. These are positive statements that encourage your ability to make changes, or cope with changes that are happening around you. Example: "Everyday is a new one and I will take each day on--using my strengths to make it a good day"
  4. Embrace "Personal Power". Read further on the concept of personal power here and check out their exercises to accomplish it.
  5. Begin to make choices that will ultimately generate happiness and consideration in some way-even the most little ways. 
  6. Baby Steps. It is unrealistic to think you will be able to wake up tomorrow morning and have a fresh perspective and outlook when it comes to change. Make a goal to accomplish one thing a day that ultimately will help you embrace change.

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